by | Jul 10, 2023 | Essay
Women’s Labour Force Participation: Three Themes Chulani Kodikara The IMF Staff Report on Sri Lanka released in March 2022 outlined a number of policy prescriptions to address Sri Lanka’s unprecedented economic crisis, including increasing women’s labour force...
Feast, Famine, and Hegemony: On Neoliberalisation and Hindu Nationalism in India
Alf Gunvald Nilsen
by | Jun 19, 2023 | Essay
Feast, Famine, and Hegemony: On Neoliberalisation and Hindu Nationalism in India Alf Gunvald Nilsen Last year, in September 2022, Fortune Magazine reported that India was home to the second richest person in the world. The person in question was Gautam Adani, a...
Test for Real Life? The Gender Transition Process in Sri Lanka
Kaushalya Ariyarathne
by | Jun 6, 2023 | Essay
Test for Real Life? The Gender Transition Process in Sri Lanka Kaushalya Ariyarathne The earliest record of sex reassignment surgery in a Sri Lankan public hospital can be traced back to 2003. Even though there was no government procedure for sex reassignment and...
May Day Diary 2023
B. Skanthakumar
by | Jun 1, 2023 | Essay
May Day Diary 2023 B. Skanthakumar The sky is clear over Colombo on the morning of 1 May 2023. This is a relief for May Day organisers and participants alike, after days and nights of heavy rain. Along one of the routes for the many marches today, red pennants, and...
Budget 2023: Heal the Wound or Worsen it?
Dhanusha Gihan Pathirana
by | May 16, 2023 | Essay
Budget 2023: Heal the Wound or Worsen it? Dhanusha Gihan Pathirana This text is adapted from a presentation made at a virtual discussion on the 2023 Budget organised by the Professionals’ Centre for People, on 26 November 2022. The 2023 Budget proposals will further...
Nirmani Liyanage (2.2.1988-12.11.2022)
Nihal Perera
by | Feb 6, 2023 | Essay
Nirmani Liyanage (2.2.1988-12.11.2022) Nihal Perera “To understand the community I am researching, i.e., the injustice and inequality its members are facing on a daily basis, I have to live among them, gain their trust and, through that trust, find ways to address the...