The NPP Government and Its Democratic Promise: A Review by Jayadeva Uyangoda

How democratic will the National People’s Power (NPP) government be? How faithful will the NPP leaders…

Victims or Saviours? Women in Climate Adapted Agriculture Projects in Sri Lanka’s Dry Zone by Nethmi Bathige

In recent years, both the government of Sri Lanka as well as national and international development organisations have collaborated to implement climate adaptation projects (Climate Change Secretariat et al. 2016)…

Writing the life of author and filmmaker Hanif Kureishi: race, class and multiculturalism by Ruvani Ranasinha

In 2023, my biography of the British Asian novelist and screenwriter Hanif Kureishi was published by Manchester University Press…

Polity is a left magazine published by the Social Scientists’ Association (SSA) since 2003. We aim to advance democratic consciousness, gender equality, state reform, and social justice in Sri Lanka, while interested in South Asia and the World. Like its predecessor Pravada (1991-2002) we publish on politics, political economy, history, women, ethnicity, sexualities, religion, labour studies, agrarian relations, nationalisms, violence, environment, and much more…

Social Scientists’ Association

The Social Scientists’ Association (SSA) is an organization working to investigate the way in which social change is contouring the multiple realities faced by communities in Sri Lanka and South Asia. The SSA is deeply committed to promoting a culture of knowledge production that informs and undergirds interventions aimed at achieving social emancipation for marginalized communities.

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