by | Jan 4, 2022 | Essay
Budget 2022: Brace for Austerity B. Skanthakumar “… we must at least now, stop, groping in the darkness” ~ Basil Rajapaksa (12 November 2021) Basil Rajapaksa’s maiden Budget for 2022 received parliamentary approval on 10th December 2021, as to be expected in a...
Nationality, Complex Identities, and Multiple Belongings
Rohini Hensman
by | Dec 15, 2021 | Essay
Nationality, Complex Identities, and Multiple Belongings Rohini Hensman As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of Pravada/Polity, it is a pleasure to have been associated with it, as a regular contributor, over this period. One reason I did so was because it was...
‘A Letter from the Village’
Udan Fernando
by | Dec 9, 2021 | Essay
‘A Letter from the Village’ Udan Fernando I was recently, and abruptly, reminded of a conversation that a junior researcher at a research institute I previously worked at, had with a few colleagues including myself. For whatever reason, Gamini Foneska’s name popped...
The Office on Missing Persons post-2020: Who and What is it for?
Chulani Kodikara
by | Nov 30, 2021 | Essay
The Office on Missing Persons post-2020: Who and What is it for? Chulani Kodikara Demonstration held in front of the National War Heroes’ Monument by the National Collective of War Heroes (Jathika Ranawiru Ekamuthuwa), several other civil society organisations,...
Debating the Transition from a Closed to an Open Economy
Devaka Gunawardena
by | Nov 9, 2021 | Essay
Debating the Transition from a Closed to an Open Economy Devaka Gunawardena The year of 1977 has become a highly charged symbol for understanding the current crisis. After the transition from a “closed” to an “open” economy, many now claim that Sri Lanka is moving...
‘Executive Authoritarianism’ as Sri Lanka’s New Political Normal since COVID-19*
Jayadeva Uyangoda
by | Nov 2, 2021 | Essay
‘Executive Authoritarianism’ as Sri Lanka’s New Political Normal since COVID-19* Jayadeva Uyangoda The ways in which countries from the global North to the global South have politically managed the unprecedented public health emergency situation brought about by the...